Controllable & Fungible Ownership Optimization

PAC is Pacman's native incentive token, which is used to incentivize liquidity providers on Pacman leverage yield farming. Pacman built a ve-tokenomics system based on Curve and FOO(Fungible Ownership Optimization) by using VePAC(Voting Power Token) and oPAC(Option token) to reduce the frequency of farm and dump scenario and provide long-term liquidity

Pacman Finance promotes continuous improvement based on the FOO model. It imports the Ve(3,3) governance model to become the C&FOO(Controllable & Fungible Ownership Optimization, which eliminates barriers for users to join the governance and increases the protocol reliability.

Pacman’s unique tokenomics C&FOO innovations:

  • Improved vePAC model with trusted governance, reasonable unlocking mechanism, and native tokenization

  • The C&FOO keeps the swap protocol based on the PAC token and oPAC token (a call option token that lets its holder purchase PAC at a discount to the market price), imports the formula of the variable strike price, and determines the discount rate based on the current market conditions, which is an important metric for evaluating the system’s economic viability

  • Offer discounted IDO investment rates for Ve-Token instead of LBP.

Pacman’s unique tokenomics C&FOO advantages:

  • Providing VeToken is an innovative way to provide fair rewards to early supporters during VeIDO.

  • The call option token unbinds the mandatory relationship between the Defi farmer of token holders. It balances the two parties with total supply and Fully Diluted token amount, helps the stakeholders manage risk, generates additional income, and increases flexibility.

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