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The Pacman Stake module improves the capital utilization rate and maximizes asset returns for Lend users. Users can use ipTokens interest-bearing assets to stake to obtain income.
When a user supplies their assets to Pacman Finance's lending pools, ipTokens (interest-pacman Tokens) are used to keep track of the funds they have deposited as well as any interest earned.
Each time a user supplies funds to the lending pool, they are issued a corresponding balance in ipTokens. This balance of the ipTokens is directly proportional to the stake they have in the lending pool, which accrues interest every block.
Each lending pool has its own ipToken; for example, if a user lends USDC to the protocol, they will receive a corresponding balance of ipUSDC.
Each deposit vault earns interest. However, the interest isn't distributed. Instead, simply by holding ipTokens, you'll earn the interest.
ipTokens accumulate interest through their exchange rate; over time, each ipToken's value increases, becoming convertible into a larger amount of its underlying asset with every block, even while the number of ipTokens in your wallet stays the same.
Each deposit pool has its own utilization which will also reflect how much the corresponding ipTokens will appreciate over time.
The longer a user holds ipTokens, the higher the value of those tokens appreciates. This is the accumulation of interest.
You do not need to stake ipTokens to enjoy this price appreciation, although you will still earn it while your tokens are staked.
oPAC protocol subsidy refers to the C&FOO model, which alleviates the massive dumping of Staker users. The module sets Boost and Binding operations, and users can bind/unbind/replace any vePAC NFT at any time to obtain the highest income.
Note: The operation of binding vePAC NFT will not affect the voting function and dividend function of the NFT